The Nomad


When it’s happening:
September 8th - 19th, 2023

Attend The Festival of the Eagles and immerse yourself in Mongolian culture and traditions up close.
Travel through this vast, breath-taking landscape on horseback.
Camp under the stars & wake up to the most stunning views.
Expedition leader Megan Hine will guide you personally on this adventure alongside professional photographer and instructor Dan Struthers, to capture your interaction with the environment, as well as share tips and tools to ensure you take home beautiful photos.

The Invitation

I am so excited to invite you to join me on this expedition.

As a child, some of the stories that fascinated me the most were of the life of Genghis Khan. The vivid depictions of the rugged landscape he rode through and the Eagle that sat upon his arm captured my imagination. I dreamed of hurtling through the landscape on the back of a stocky pony, wind blowing through my unkempt hair, eyes alight with my very own eagle ensconced upon my arm.

This was a trip I had been dreaming up for several years and this is the second year I will running this trip. I love that this adventure dives deep into Mongolian culture, particularly that of the incredibly welcoming Nomadic Kazakh peoples of Western Mongolia who still live very much as their ancestors have done for hundred of years.

Join me as we head deep into the Altai region, quite literally one of the most remote places on this planet on horseback. As we ride through the landscape, we will visit and spend nights with Eagle hunters in traditional Gers, learning about their culture and hearing the stories of hunts and of warriors through the ages. We will live as these nomadic peoples have done for so long.

As the sun sets each evening we will make camp. Ensuring our horses are fed and watered and safe from the wolves, we will sit around the camp fire and recount the days ride and listen to traditional stories and songs.

Accompanying us will be photographer Dan Struthers who will not only capture memories for you to keep but will also be on hand to help you take beautiful shots of the landscape and the adventure as we traverse through it. No matter whether you choose to just use the camera on your phone or use an SLR, he will be on hand throughout the trip with tips and tools to help you.

The first few days will be spent at the Festival of the Eagles, there are several of these festivals where the Eagle hunters converge to compete with their birds and other traditional sports. I have chosen a small and intimate festival which allows us to be close to the action, to interact with the competitors and to take part should you wish without hundreds of other visitors.

I’d love you to join me.

In terms of previous experience, an above average level of fitness is required and time spent horse riding. Technically you don’t need to be highly competent but long days in the saddle can be uncomfortable.

I look forward to meeting you in Mongolia.

Cost: £4550

All accommodation
All meals (excluding final meal)
Internal Flights
Professional photographer including instruction
Megan & local team

Excludes :
International flights, final meal, personal insurance, alcohol, soft drinks & extra snacks.

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